Friday, September 07, 2007

This blog has been moved to

Enjoy it, it's definitely worth a browse.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Hurricane Katrina donations and other news

Help hurricane rescue and rebuilding efforts by donating at least $5 dollars and/or blood. It's a gesture that is definately worth the time.

As for us, we are still setting things up internally and hope to be blogging full-time very soon. We also plan to get our podcast in the near future as well. Stay tuned for more information!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

EnragedAmigo launches...

This is a little project undertaken by two guys who met in one place, and then went their separate ways. Through the wonders of the internet, VoIP software (such as Skype or Google Talk), and two powerbook g4's... being a couple thousand miles away from each other no longer pose an obstacle.

Though our opinions and views are sometimes a world apart, we always find a middle-ground... be it through humor or, well, humor for the most part.

BE WARNED! This blog will not be politically correct. In fact, you may be offended by some of the things we will say. However, it is not our intention to insult anyone. Being raised in a multi-cultural city, and being of different backgrounds, we have seen many views on many things. One of these views might strike one of your nerves. Don't take it personal, keep an open mind, and have a sense of humor!